Orthodontists' Partner on Social Media

© Vevi Agency. 2023.
All rights reserved.

What We Do?

We find new patients for your orthodontic clinic.
Simple, Fast, Effective, and Guaranteed
That's it.

Step 1/2: Finding Leads

  • We create custom-designed ads for your specific situation,
    Such as location, target audience and priorities.

  • We manage and optimize the ads regularly and keep active only the best ones,
    By constantly trying new designs to replace poorly performing ones.

Step 2/2: Converting Leads Into Real Patients

  • We design and publish landing pages for the ads to convert leads.

  • Depending on the size of the campaign,
    we use single or multiple landing pages.
    Simultaneously, we test their performance like ads too.

All Thanks to Our Triple System.

© Vevi Agency. 2023.
All rights reserved.

Who We Are?

Why Orthodontic Clinics?

Contrary to common assumptions,
Neither I have never been in a situation where I have to go to an orthodontist,
Nor I have an orthodontist role model.
But after seeing how my father suffered before he got his treatment,
It was as clear as day:
I was going to work for these amazing people and provide the best service on the market.

- Kursat Per

© Vevi Agency. 2023.
All rights reserved.

VeVi Presents:

The Triple System

A system that is shaped by the feedback of 2,000+ doctors in the USA.

We find out there are 7 most common problems for Orthodontics.
That's why,
We created a system to solve all 9 of them simultaneously:

  1. Competition

>> It's your competitors:
A system that'll put you not one but 3 steps ahead of your competitors,
By using differentiation and detailed targeting.
For you.

  1. Financial Challenges

>> It's your money:
A system that'll provide profitable patient acquisition for your clinic.
7/24 on your side.
For you.

  1. Overwhelming

>> It's your time:
A system that does not just do x-y-z and leave the rest to you.
A system that does all...
For you.

  1. Marketing

>> It's your masterpiece:
A system that does not just find leads,
A system that takes care of everything about them,
From start to finish...
For you.

  1. Profesional

>> It's your journey:
A system that not only helps your clinic but also you...
Education is a never-ending journey,
And we're here to make it easy,
For you.

  1. Work-Life Balance

>> It's your life:
A system that helps you,
To restore the work-life balance of your life...
For you.

  1. Trends

>> It's your market:
A system that helps you compete with the market and its trends.
Always better, Always new...
For you.

© Vevi Agency. 2023.
All rights reserved.

  1. The Competition

Vevi, Every Aspect Strategy

  • You're always in control:
    Since you are giving us limited authorization on social platforms such as Facebook/Instagram etc.
    without sharing any kind of your login information,
    Your accounts always will be safe.

  • You're always kept updated:
    With our weekly video report (4-5 min videos where we provide what have we done that week)
    You can learn about the latest development in your busy schedule thanks to this short video.

  • You're always on the safe side.
    If we can't find new patients for your clinic, we do not get paid at all.

We do it all,
Because you like to think in every aspect.

© Vevi Agency. 2023.
All rights reserved.

  1. Financial Challenges

Vevi, Always Ready Strategy

  • With our marketing and your excellent labour,
    You will never have to worry about unknown financial challenges.
    You are always gonna be ready for them.

  • Due to the nature of social media ads and our constantly renewed ads,
    They are going to be more efficient as time goes on.
    Step by step.
    And, you're going to get more and more patients with the same ad budget in the long term.

  • With a bigger revenue & profit,
    It's going to be way easier for you to invest in new technologies and equipment.

We do it all,
Because you like to be always ready.

© Vevi Agency. 2023.
All rights reserved.

  1. Overwhelming

Vevi, No More Strategy

  • We take care of everything about your social media ads:
    The Designs,
    The Explanations/Descriptions,
    Campaign Performance Optimizations,
    In a nutshell,
    We manage all processes for you, Professionally.

We do it all,
Because you do not want to see yourself more overwhelmed.

© Vevi Agency. 2023.
All rights reserved.

  1. Marketing

Vevi, All Taken Care of Strategy

  • We created our Triple System to make the marketing process seamlessly easy for you:
    From zero to showed-up patients...
    All processes are taken care of by us.

    From creating to optimizing ads to,
    Publishing landing pages (one-page websites to convert leads into real patients).

We do it all,
Because you like to see that everything is taken care of.

© Vevi Agency. 2023.
All rights reserved.

  1. Profesional Development

Vevi, First Things First Strategy

  • Life is a never-ending journey...
    And there is no end to professional development.
    We help you
    By taking care of crucial and time-consuming responsibilities like marketing,

    So that you can easily find times to attend conferences, courses, workshops, etc.
    Whatever you want to attend,
    Whenever you want to attend...

We do it all,
Because you know first things first.

© Vevi Agency. 2023.
All rights reserved.

  1. Work-Life Balance

Vevi, Restoring Balance Strategy

  • By taking care of a huge portion of your non-clinical responsibilities,
    Like marketing,
    We help you restore your Work-Life balance.
    So that you can find the time you want to spend with your loved ones...

We do it all,
Because you like restoring your Work-Life balance.

© Vevi Agency. 2023.
All rights reserved.

  1. Trends

Vevi, Always One Step Ahead Strategy

  • We always look out for new trends in the market and social media.
    So that, we can be sure that you and your social presence will always be up to date and competitive.
    You never have to think about it.
    Like all other things we do...

We do it all,
Because you like being always one step ahead.

© Vevi Agency. 2023.
All rights reserved.


Murat Kaptac Orthodontics

Dr. Murat Kaptac

Founded by Dr Murat Kaptac, with 2 beautiful clinics located in Istanbul,
They provide services in all orthodontist treatments such as braces, clear aligners etc. to patients from all around the World.

For his clinic,

We Designed Creatives For Both Social Media and Ads

We Manage the Ad Campaigns

We Designed and Published a Landing Page

At the end of our working period, which was 12 weeks,
We were so happy to hear these from Dr Murat:

"Due to the nature of our market, I have been working with lots of agencies and freelancers for a long time.Therefore, it's easy for me to differentiate between ordinary ones and ones
that always try their best in their area.
During the time we've worked together, I've seen it by myself that:
You are being careful about every little detail,
You are always learning even from your competitors,
And lastly, you are putting your client first and always try to do your best.
It was nice working with you."


In his clinic with Dr. Murat Kaptac

All Thanks to Our Triple System.

© Vevi Agency. 2023.
All rights reserved.

Our Pricing

This pricing is only for our next 2 clinics.

  • Totally Free First 4 Week:
    Since we want to get feedback from you about our service, and get your testimonials hopefully;
    The first 4 weeks of the 12 weeks is completely free of charge.

After the first 4 weeks;

  • NO Upfront Payment:
    Only pay after you get new patients.

  • NO Flat Fee:
    We get paid only performance-based.

  • NO High Commission:
    Our performance base is only 5%.

  • NO Uncertainty:
    With our 12-week contract,
    You know from the beginning the time we will spend together.

  • NO Hidden Fee:
    We do not take any surprise fee for any kind of service we do for you.

Simple, Fast, Effective, and Guaranteed
That's it.

© Vevi Agency. 2024.
All rights reserved.

You Are Booked!

Thank you,
And don't forget to check your messages & emails for reminders.

© Vevi Agency. 2024.
All rights reserved.